Windham County Democratic Committee

Vermont's Democratic Party Platform
As Adopted by the Vermont Democratic Party Platform Convention - - - - - Adopted August 20, 2022
To meet these challenges, the Vermont Democratic Party is committed to these priorities:

Equity: To vigorously examine and reform practices, processes, policies, regulations, and legislation that may inhibit or obstruct access to and participation in the life of our communities by any Vermonter for reasons of sex, race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, class, religion, age, physical ability, mental health status, incarceration history, or immigration circumstances.

Prosperity for All: To direct public and private investments focused on developing a 21st century economy that promotes shared and sustainable economic, social, and ecological well-being.

Environmental Justice: To enhance the quality of every Vermonter’s life within the carrying capacity of our supporting ecosystem and to fully implement the Vermont Global Warming Solutions Act.

Health Care for All: To establish health care as a human right by achieving universal, comprehensive, accessible and affordable health care for all and to ensure that all public health policies, including those related to the COVID-19 pandemic, are driven by science.

Justice and Community Safety: To improve the well-being of our communities through a comprehensive approach to public safety that recognizes our individual implicit biases and the institutional racism inherent within the criminal justice system, and that ends the criminalization of poverty, addiction, and otherness, while embracing more effective alternatives to incarceration.

Education Second to None: To secure Vermont’s future by investing in our children — sustaining our commitment to equal and excellent preK-16 education, improving affordable access to early child care, and extending affordable, first-rate, post-secondary learning opportunities throughout adulthood.

Democracy: To strengthen Vermonters’ engagement and confidence in government by ensuring fair elections, spirited public participation, transparent government, and a free press. Equity
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